Friday, August 12, 2011

Cold Impressions: Very Berry Swirl

I feel like it would be monotonous if I only wrote full reviews about individual scents, so as a quickie sort of thing, I want to do entries called "Cold Impressions"

These will be my impressions of candles, cold, before they're burned. :)

Today's is Very Berry, a swirl candle.

Very Berry is a swirl of Sweet Strawberry and Buttercream, I would assume this was the forerunner to Strawberry Buttercream. Cold so far, this candle wins all around. This is what I wanted Strawberry Buttercream to smell like. The top note is DEFINITELY Sweet Strawberry, but with a creamier bottom note (Since buttercream is a pretty mild scent).

Also, to me, this candle smells more like a real Strawberry Shortcake than the Strawberry Shortcake swirl candle (Shortbread Cookie + Strawberry Buttercream)

If you thought Strawberry Buttercream smelled too artificial, and Strawberry Shortcake disappointed you, give THIS one a try. Of Yankees "Strawberry/Cream" candles I've smelled so far, this one is the best.

I got mine on ebay, but maybe you can find it at an outlet? It is discontinued in regular stores

Discuss! Have you burned this candle? What do you think? Do you like it more or less than Strawberry Buttercream?

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