South African Vineyard is another one with crazed fans on the facebook page, and its ALSO extremely hard to find now. Your best chance is TJ Maxx, Home Goods, or Ebay. Though there is no official tally, I would venture to say it is in the top 3 currently-most-sought-after scents (With Sugared Apple and Apple Pumpkin - but again, this is purely speculation on my part) its Acronym and how most people refer to it is SAV.
Information from Yankee Candle:
South African Vineyard was released in the World Journeys Collection. A Large jar at home Goods or TJ Maxx should run you $9.99 for a large tumbler. Ebay there is more competition for them so you are looking at spending a bit more. The Label states it is "Made with pure grapeseed extract from South Africa"
My Impressions:
This one is tricky to talk about. Facebook is notorious for building up hype. Personally, I didn't care about the boney bunch until I became active on Yankee's facebook page, then I was super stoked because everyone ELSE was. This is what I expected my reaction to SAV to be. I won it for about $12 on ebay, and I figured for that price, it was worth at least TRYING, knowing that if I didn't care for it, I could sell it to an eager SAV fan--COUGHSTEPHENCOUGH--on facebook or something. ESPECIALLY since I have previously owned a large tumbler of Yankee's regular Vineyard, and before I could finish it I was sick of the smell because it reminded me of Sudafed.
But that won't be necesary, I'm pretty sure I really enjoy SAV. In this review, I will be comparing it a lot to the regular Vineyard, since that candle is readily available to buyers.
The first thing I noticed is its potentcy. It came in a box with two other candles wrapped in bubble wrap and swimming packing peanuts. But when i opened the box, GRAPES definitely hit me. This brought me back to shades of Vineyard (EXTREMELY potent tumbler) and I was worried.
The scent is more AUTHENTIC grape than Vineyard, which as I said, reminds me of Sudafed. SAV also has a teeny TEENY hint of Citrus to it, to give it a little tartness instead of rot-your-teeth-out-sugariness.
I like it a lot, I'm glad I got the large tumbler of it, and especially since the World Collection can be found for such great prices, I'd say its totally worth it.
The throw is fantastic, but that is expected of a grape tumbler. In about an hour I've gotten a 1/3" full wax pool.
Would I buy it again? Yes, even though my TJ Maxx never gets them in, I'll always keep an eye out.
Would I reccomend it to others? If you were INTRIGUED by vineyard and then turned off when you smelled how sweet it was, go this route. They are similar, but SAV is not as sugary and is more tart like real crisp grapes
LETS DISCUSS! What do you think of South African Vineyard?? Is it worth the hype? Should Yankee Bring it back for a second run in stores everywhere?