Candles, She Wrote.
A candle review blog, with a focus on yankee candles, and whatever else suits my fancy :)
Friday, August 12, 2011
Cold Impressions: Very Berry Swirl
I feel like it would be monotonous if I only wrote full reviews about individual scents, so as a quickie sort of thing, I want to do entries called "Cold Impressions"
These will be my impressions of candles, cold, before they're burned. :)
Today's is Very Berry, a swirl candle.
Very Berry is a swirl of Sweet Strawberry and Buttercream, I would assume this was the forerunner to Strawberry Buttercream. Cold so far, this candle wins all around. This is what I wanted Strawberry Buttercream to smell like. The top note is DEFINITELY Sweet Strawberry, but with a creamier bottom note (Since buttercream is a pretty mild scent).
Also, to me, this candle smells more like a real Strawberry Shortcake than the Strawberry Shortcake swirl candle (Shortbread Cookie + Strawberry Buttercream)
If you thought Strawberry Buttercream smelled too artificial, and Strawberry Shortcake disappointed you, give THIS one a try. Of Yankees "Strawberry/Cream" candles I've smelled so far, this one is the best.
I got mine on ebay, but maybe you can find it at an outlet? It is discontinued in regular stores
Discuss! Have you burned this candle? What do you think? Do you like it more or less than Strawberry Buttercream?
Thursday, August 11, 2011
South African Vineyard
South African Vineyard is another one with crazed fans on the facebook page, and its ALSO extremely hard to find now. Your best chance is TJ Maxx, Home Goods, or Ebay. Though there is no official tally, I would venture to say it is in the top 3 currently-most-sought-after scents (With Sugared Apple and Apple Pumpkin - but again, this is purely speculation on my part) its Acronym and how most people refer to it is SAV.
Information from Yankee Candle:
South African Vineyard was released in the World Journeys Collection. A Large jar at home Goods or TJ Maxx should run you $9.99 for a large tumbler. Ebay there is more competition for them so you are looking at spending a bit more. The Label states it is "Made with pure grapeseed extract from South Africa"
My Impressions:
This one is tricky to talk about. Facebook is notorious for building up hype. Personally, I didn't care about the boney bunch until I became active on Yankee's facebook page, then I was super stoked because everyone ELSE was. This is what I expected my reaction to SAV to be. I won it for about $12 on ebay, and I figured for that price, it was worth at least TRYING, knowing that if I didn't care for it, I could sell it to an eager SAV fan--COUGHSTEPHENCOUGH--on facebook or something. ESPECIALLY since I have previously owned a large tumbler of Yankee's regular Vineyard, and before I could finish it I was sick of the smell because it reminded me of Sudafed.
But that won't be necesary, I'm pretty sure I really enjoy SAV. In this review, I will be comparing it a lot to the regular Vineyard, since that candle is readily available to buyers.
The first thing I noticed is its potentcy. It came in a box with two other candles wrapped in bubble wrap and swimming packing peanuts. But when i opened the box, GRAPES definitely hit me. This brought me back to shades of Vineyard (EXTREMELY potent tumbler) and I was worried.
The scent is more AUTHENTIC grape than Vineyard, which as I said, reminds me of Sudafed. SAV also has a teeny TEENY hint of Citrus to it, to give it a little tartness instead of rot-your-teeth-out-sugariness.
I like it a lot, I'm glad I got the large tumbler of it, and especially since the World Collection can be found for such great prices, I'd say its totally worth it.
The throw is fantastic, but that is expected of a grape tumbler. In about an hour I've gotten a 1/3" full wax pool.
Would I buy it again? Yes, even though my TJ Maxx never gets them in, I'll always keep an eye out.
Would I reccomend it to others? If you were INTRIGUED by vineyard and then turned off when you smelled how sweet it was, go this route. They are similar, but SAV is not as sugary and is more tart like real crisp grapes
LETS DISCUSS! What do you think of South African Vineyard?? Is it worth the hype? Should Yankee Bring it back for a second run in stores everywhere?
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Apple Pumpkin
Apple Pumpkin, from Yankee Candle's Blue Ribbon Collection, became an instant-hit upon its release. The Facebook fanbase is crazy about it, and every time it comes online on the website to date, it sells out almost immediately. Though it is stated to be a limited release candle, the general consensus is that Yankee will bring it back for at least another run. At least, if they like money, which I'm sure they do, they will release it again.
Information from Yankee Candle:
Apple Pumpkin was released in the Blue Ribbon line in the summer of 2011. It easily was the bestseller of the collection. It is classified as a "Fruit" scent.
The Yankee Candle website described Apple Pumpkin as "Cultivated with care . . . home-grown apples and pumpkins blended with ginger and clove."
My Impressions:
I love this scent, I really do. Its very unique, though I'm almost surprised Apple Pumpkin hasn't been done by yankee before now, given the popularity of Apple scents, Pumpkin scents, and Fall scents overall.
the cold throw to me is definitely apple, if I was given this scent to smell without the label on it, my first reaction is "Apple" and then "Pumpkin" (Go Figure) but even though this is labeled as a "Fruit" don't be fooled, it definitely has spice to it as well, which depending on your taste could be good or bad. The spice is very pleasant, and thankfully not straight Cinnamon as many candles tend to do with spices. I would say its less sweet than Apple Cider.
The Warm throw on this one is very strong, it is probably one of the strongest I own (Outdone only by the Large tumbler of Vineyard. NO idea what possessed me into thinking I needed that one) During a thunderstorm, my mom opted to load this one up into a cute large jar holder with a handle and leave it on the front step. this is what happened.
I could smell it from at least 60 feet away outdoors. Now if you ask me, that is AWESOME, especially considering it had an illumalid on it.
Would I buy it again? YES
Would I reccomend it to others? YES. ESPECIALLY if you like fall fragrances. As my friend said when she smelled it "Thats Fall."
LETS DISCUSS! What do you think of Apple Pumpkin. How much do you love it? Or are you not so much a fan? Let me know in the comments! :)
Obligatory First Post
okay so opted to put my new candle review blog on blogspot
Here is what you can expect *At work typing this lol*
CANDLE REVIEWS. Tarts too. and Accessories. These will be primarily of the Yankee Candle brand but I will be tossing in others as well. These reviews will include warm throws, cold throws, wax/pour quality (Did my particular jar tunnel?), burn quality, as well as the best scent descriptions I can muster up. Pictures of said candles. and some sort of rating system. I’ll also try to stay up to date on the latest candle news, coupons, and what deals are going on.
Also, everything here I bought myself. No one is paying me in any way to do these reviews :)